
The Real Cost of Refinancing
Executive Director Jackie Hill discusses why it has never been a better time to refinance, but buyer beware when it comes to closing costs, origination and discount points, and loan terms.

Home Inspections – What is Your Piece of Mind Worth?
Quality Control Manager Robyn Bordelon explains the good, the bad, and the ugly when it comes to home inspections. Click here for more information.

CityBusiness Names Build Now Executive Director “One to Watch” in Construction
Executive Director Jackie Hill has been named “One to Watch” in Construction by New Orleans CityBusiness.

Home Buying 101 – How to Qualify for a Mortgage
Executive Director Jackie Hill discusses local home purchasing programs for all income levels.

City of New Orleans’ Soft Second Program
Director of Operations Andrew Holbein discusses how you can receive down payment, closing cost, and purchase assistance to buy a new home in New Orleans.

Home Sweet Home
Second Annual Gingerbread House Contest celebrates families that local nonprofit builders helped rebuild in 2012, Times-Picayune, December 9, 2012.

Gingerbread House Building Contest
Executive Director Jackie Hill invites everyone to join in the fun at the 2012 Gingerbread House Building Contest at the New Orleans Healing Center. Build Now, along with Make It Right, Project Homecoming, Project Home Again, Habitat for Humanity, and St. Bernard Project, will be celebrating the 200+ families we helped return in 2012.

Fox 8 “How to Winterize Your Home”

City of New Orleans “Soft Second Program Awardees”
WWL “New Build Now Homes Withstand Isaac”
Fox 8 “Building a New Home”
Fox 8 “Prepping Your Home for Hurricane Season”
Fox 8 “Buying a New Home”
LA Weekly “Homeownership”
Cooking with Build Now
Fox 8 Homebuyer’s Hints “Gentilly News”
CityBusiness “Home Costs”
All Things New Orleans
LA Weekly “Blight Sales”
CityBusiness “HMGP Funding”
The Look of Change
The Look of Change, Louisiana Builder, Summer 2010
Organization helps man, 95, come back home
Organization helps man, 95, come back home, Times-Picayune, March 18, 2010.
Green Grows Garderner’s Home in the Upper Ninth
Green Grows Garderner’s Home in the Upper Ninth, Times-Picayune, May 2, 2009.
40 Under 40 – Tess Monaghan
40 Under 40 – Tess Monaghan, Gambit Weekly, November 4, 2008.
Room with a View of Affordable Housing
Room with a View of Affordable Housing, Times-Picayune, October 11, 2008.