Road Home Announces Unmet Needs Program
Where will the money come from to pay for all of this?
There is still about $30 million in the Road Home program’s budget that hasn’t been allocated. Officials hope to free up another $10 million that has been set aside for legal costs associated with the recovery of grant money from recipients who remain out of compliance. As more people come into compliance through the newly loosened rules, the state will need fewer pricey lawyers to steer the collections process, the thinking goes.
Together with about $6 million that was dedicated to other disaster recovery projects that may not be needed, the state would have about $46 million available for additional Road Home grants, Forbes said. That money will be focused primarily on helping people get back into their houses, he said, but it could also be used to help people elevate their homes.
There’s a separate pot of money available only for additional elevation grants. Leftover from the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Hazard Mitigation program, it’s not clear yet how much will be available because some projects that had money earmarked for them have not yet been wound down, Forbes said. The figure is likely to be in the tens of millions, he said.
How do I apply?
The state has hired a team of liaisons to help people navigate the Road Home grant process. To make an appointment with a liaison, call 1-888-762-3252, extension 2 and ask for “Liaison Help.”
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